How It Works

Overview of Process

Set Up Process For Employers

  1. Goes on the website and sets up their employer profile.
  2. Is automatically assigned a unique employer ID
  3. Inputs what job roles they hire for (ie, electrician, plumber, etc.)
  4. Selects what product bundles each job role needs to order & where these items will be purchased from
  5. Creates vouchers for certain product bundles in order to pay for those employee’s purchases (optional)

Example of Employer Sign Up Process

Example of
Sign Up

John's Landscaping signs up for an employer account

John goes to the website and signs up as an employer. He inputs his information, selects the category that best describes his company, and inputs his contact information. He is automatically assigned employer number 123.

Select Job Roles for Employees

John knows he typically hires entry level landscapers for his staffing needs, so he adds that as a job role that future employees can select when they sign up.

Evaluates Supplies Needed for that Job Position

John remembers that his entry level landscapers usually don’t have the proper footwear, so he inputs his preference for what boots they can purchase. He then adds other items that will be useful for that job.

Decides to add a voucher

John knows that some of his employees have a hard time affording the proper supplies for the job, so he adds a voucher for 50% off for all new hires, to help offset the cost for his valued employees.

Spreads the Word to His New Employees

As John’s company grows & he hires on new staff, he makes sure they all sign up on the website and download the app so they can be prepared for their job duties.

Utilizes Account Dashboard

John keeps an eye on his account dashboard and stats as his employees place new orders throughout the year. He can see what items are ordered most & how many vouchers his company has provided.

Employee Sign Up and Purchasing Process

  1. Goes on the website and sets up their user profile as an employee
  2. Enters the unique company ID number provided by their employer (if applicable)
  3. Selects their job role (ie, plumber apprentice)
  4. Finds, pay and orders the preselected items they’ll need to start their job as a plumber apprentice

Example of Employee Sign Up Process

Example of
Sign Up

Employee Signs Up for An Account

Bob goes on the website and signs up as an employee. He enters the unique company ID number provided by his employer.

Employee Selects Their Job Role

Bob was hired as an entry level landscaper, so he selects that as his job role and saves that information to this profile. He can always edit this later on.

Evaluates Supplies Needed for that Job Role

Bob wants to see the recommended supply list for his new position, so he finds that on the WorkersCart™ website and decides to order all of it.

Uses a Voucher

Bob’s boss offered to help offset the cost of some of his new supplies, so Bob enters the voucher ID number his boss gave him. This saves him nearly half of the overall cost.

Continues to Use the System

As Bob’s role in the company grows and progresses, he continues to use WorkersCart to order supplies for new jobs and positions he holds. He downloads the app to be able to make new orders with ease.